Monday, July 9, 2012

The blogger's connection...

My son is a huge fan of moving vehicles. All of them. As often as possible. Car rides are a blast. As a result, I find myself unconsciously noticing all the trucks on the road as I drive, even when I’m alone.

 Which is why I noticed the tow truck. Normally tow trucks don’t spin my wheels but this one struck me as ironic… because it was towing another tow truck. I guess even helpers need help sometimes.

 It was about the same time that I came to a realization. It seems like more and more people I know are keeping blogs these days. Everyone has their angle, too. Some focus on their kids while others focus on politics. Some focus on gourmet food, while others discuss boast their newest bargain hunt.

Mostly, however, they talk about their lives. Their thoughts. Their hopes. Their dreams. Their concerns. If they don’t do so directly, they do it indirectly. If it’s worth writing about, it’s because it represents a segment of their life that occupies enough territory to warrant substantial thought. Right?

 One of my favorite bloggers recently featured a posting about the professional dilemma that is looming in front of her as her kids go to kindergarten and she is willed back into the work force. Another of my favorites posted about finding the strength to join Weight Watchers and finally do it right. That making excuses about how hard it is to lose weight is not going to grant her the long healthy life she deserves with her two beautiful children and wonderful husband.

 And here is what I’m learning.

We all harbor the same concerns, if you boil it down to the central issues. Sure, the peripheral details vary but we all really live the same life. We worry about our choices and if we made the right ones. We distress over what we could have done differently when plans go awry. We wonder if our successes are significant enough to make our lives successful.

And why do we all blog about it?

Because we want to reach out, put our thoughts out into the universe. We don’t want to feel that way alone.

At least that’s my opinion.

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