Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What I learned from watching Dumbo

My children are currently obsessed with watching “Dumbo”, so I have had the opportunity to become well acquainted with the script and story lines. Good thing I actually like the move. Here’s what I have learned.

1-      I learned that storks bring babies. Really? I thought that babies came from… uhm… well… you know. J The first time we watched it, I taught my kids the word “stork”, but then I got concerned when they decided that THEY came from storks and felt the need immediately clarify that it was just being silly in the movie.  Really, they came from my tummy. Hmm…. Thank goodness they didn’t ask how they got in there. I DO NOT look forward to that conversation as my daughter’s BS detector is gonna cause me big problems.
2-      I learned that you can sit on clouds, like a chair. Actually, this one made me laugh. As a kid, I always believed that clouds would feel like cotton balls and now, as an adult, I still feel like they should. I know enough about science to know that they don’t but I still (in that small child part of me) feel like they would. Silly… I know. I guess we all hang on to a few of our childhood beliefs, despite being taught the truth that contradicts them.
3-      I learned that the state of being drunk is actually more like being high on acid. Ok, I’m half joking. I don’t know what it’s like to be high on acid, but I do know what it’s like to be drunk and it’s certainly NOT that crazy drugged out scene from Dumbo and his mouse friend’s perspective.  Waltzing pink elephants? Interesting…  Then again, maybe I just haven’t been drunk enough.
4-      I learned that size doesn’t matter. (Ok… have your laugh here and get it out of the way. I didn’t mean it that way.) Timothy the mouse is tiny and Dumbo is huge. Despite that size difference, Timothy is the older, wiser and more confident of the two characters. He’s in charge and takes great care of Dumbo when his mom can’t be there. Sort of reminds me of those small statured people whose personalities take up the whole space with their poise, confidence and enthusiasm.
5-      I learned that all anyone really needs is one good friend on their side to survive. You can be down and out, but if just one person is committed to your well being, you will probably be ok in the long run. Even if it doesn’t feel like that at the time.  That piece of news wasn’t entirely new to me, but it’s always nice to be reminded.
6-      I learned that a soul’s destiny is not necessarily in line with the assumption made by those around them, those judging by stereotypes and generalizations.  A flying elephant? No way… But it was Dumbo’s destiny to succeed by being different. By using his distinct (and initially mocked) features to move in his own direction, find his own success. I love that. We should all have that perspective on our own lives.
7-      I learned that sometimes the story ends happily. I know. It’s Disney. OF COURSE they have a happy ending. But here’s the thing. They don’t promise that Dumbo is never treated badly by the other elephants again. They don’t promise that it’s happily ever after. They simply show Dumbo flying, reunited with his mom, and happy for the moment. And that’s promising. It’s good enough.

Who knew watching Disney with your kids could be so educational?

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